Saturday, May 18, 2013

CrossFit: Week 2 - Day 2

Just another really quick update today.  I really really really didn't want to go to do my weekly (for now) CrossFit session this morning.  I was kinda lazy all week after my last class and had several slips in my diet.  I felt like I hadn't treated my body well enough to be ready for another brutal Saturday morning WOD.  I sent the owners of the gym a message last night instructing them to TELL me that I HAD to be there, to which they happily obliged.  It was too late to back out after that.  I had made a commitment to someone to do something, therefore I had to do it.  It's always been very easy for me to break a commitment to myself, so this was a way to bypass that problem.  I woke up this morning, ate a small cup of oatmeal (I know it's not Paleo, but I'm working on it), and headed out.  I got there a few minutes early and headed inside to see if the WOD was posted on the whiteboard.  Nope.  It was going to be a surprise.  We had an interesting warm up.  We played musical medicine balls while doing bear crawls.  I made it about halfway through that before I was bounced out and had to do burpees.  Then came the WOD.  We did a "Deck of Cards" workout.  Each suit represented a move or exercise; push presses, kettle bell swings, mason twists, and a 100/200 meter run.  We worked in pairs.  I met a cool guy from northern Michigan that was just visiting his sister and was talked into checking it out with her.  I was very happy to be paired up with another newbie.  After a brief instruction on the techniques we needed to do this WOD we began.  30 minute time limit...  My partner, Jeff, and I would take turns drawing from a deck of cards.  Whatever card you drew, you had to do that many reps with the corresponding exercise for that suit.  If I drew a 7 of spades, I had to do 7 push presses.  There was a twist though.  There were still 2 jokers in the deck.  If you drew one, you both had to do 15 burpees.  We started off pretty strong, blowing through the first 5 or 6 cards pretty quickly.  Joker...  DAMN IT!  Thankfully, we hit that one early enough that we weren't too exhausted to do them.  I'm not gonna lie though.  I struggled after 8 or so, but after I finished, we pressed on.  Back and forth, we drew cards.  For some reason, I think the deck might have been stacked.  I kept drawing 10s and face cards in the suit of spades, which was push presses.  after my 3rd time, I was having a really hard time getting that bar over my head.  Thankfully, several people were there rooting me on and my partner even stepped in once to finish my reps for me.  I never failed a rep once I started it.  I drew a few back-to-back runs, too, and fought to keep my breath.  I almost tossed up that oatmeal at one point but managed to keep it down.  Several people were finishing out there deck and writing their times on the whiteboard.  As the 30 minute mark came, we still had about 10 cards left (2 away from the other joker).  We didn't finish, but I'll be damned if I didn't try!  It was another awesome experience, and it helped solidify my decision to join ASAP.  People remembered my name from last week and congratulated me and encouraged me throughout the day, and I am very grateful for the extra support.  During my post-workout shower I could barely raise my arms above my head!  I have a feeling that tomorrow will be pretty rough but it's worth it.

Oh, by the way, I'm down 5 more pounds!


  1. Rick, I am super proud of you, have been doing an amazing job and sticking to your guns even if you didnt feel like doing it. With all your effort, dedication and heart you will get where you want to be in your journey of weight loss. I just wish you was closer to me so I had that extra push. Keep up the HARD WORK.

  2. Way to go Rick! Love your blog! Your story sounds familiar. My husband, Wiley, lost over 100 lbs., ran a marathon and developed a deck of cards workout app for iPhone called RipDeck. I thought you may be interested in trying it.

    Once you try it, if you would like to share a custom RipDeck workout with us, we will feature it and your blog In-App, on our website and social media.

    Continued success on your journey. You can do it!

    Ali Wimberly

    Like us on and follow @ripdeck on Twitter.

  3. ah, the font burns the eyes
