Saturday, July 6, 2013

In a Rut

The title says it all. The scale does too. I fell off the paleo bandwagon a little while back and have no desire to get back on. That is actually not my issue. I just don't like it. I liked what I was doing before the paleo challenge. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, healthy fats, and whole grains. I love my grains and my cheese, both of which are no-nos in the paleo universe. I know my CrossFit coaches are gonna be mad but it's just not for me. I've also come across a few studies that claim that the paleo lifestyle could even be harmful for people with blood pressure and cholesterol problems like me. Now I just have to get back on the path I was on before, but lately I've been having a few "cheat days" that have strung themselves together. The scale doesn't lie. I screwed up...

So now I'm trying to get that original mindset that put me on the weight loss journey to begin with. I need to ramp up my workouts from twice a week to 3 times a week, as well. I got complacent with my diet when I started actually doing the CrossFit WODs. I treated it as a "one-or-the-other" situation: diet OR exercise. This lapse of judgement has proved costly. I'm gaining weight back. I need that double whammy I'd get from working out AND eating right. I already knew that before I started but simply got lazy. 

Consider this my public apology to myself. It's times like this that are the reason I promised not to give up when I screw up. Normally I'd throw all the progress I've made down the drain and go back to my old ways. I used to see things like this as a wall rather than a hurdle. I tripped over the hurdle but the race goes on. 


  1. Sounds like you've got your head on straight with what you've got to do. Since I found this blog, I book marked it. When I need inspiration and help focusing on my goals, this is where I come. Thank you for that!!

  2. I'm with ya, Rick. Thanks for convicting me, as well...WonderTwin!

  3. Rick,

    I stumbled upon your blog on Reddit. I read your first post, and I was instantly "hooked" that I had to read them all...

    First off, congrats on making the decision to just dive right into CrossFit. It takes some kahunas, my friend.

    Second. I've personally hit the plateau you've described a few times in my life. However, its the perseverance and drive that you've described that keeps one going. Stick with it. Keep the mindset that you have of "You will fail.. You will cheat.. but you will NEVER give up". Keep at it, and stick with it. We are all human beings, and these things are going to happen. You recognize this. Hell, we all do. Just stick with it, and you WILL reach your goal. And when you do, you will set another ... and then another ... because it no longer is goal driven--it becomes a lifestyle.

    Again, congrats on your progress thus far!
